Halloween is one of my favorite things to display the riot of color, the black cats,smiling Jacko'Lanterns and well just the plain weird stuff. So when I was getting out my mantle display stuff I found this old image. It is of a Odd Fellow "float", so I had asked the person I had purchased it from about it and was told that one of the duties of the Odd Fellows was to provide Christian burials for those that couldn't afford one. Which I thought was a pretty kind thing.
So it has been added to my stash of "odd stuff". I'll post the finished display soon. Happy Junken Trails!
Heard I missed seeing you yesterday at Susan's! Wish I could have been there. Hope you found many treasures!
Hi I once again missed all the fun! I was busily making aprons. I got 13 done yeah!! I noticed Marv did some shopping. Have a great weekend Kathy
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